Setting up Gradebook

  1. Every year you have to tell Gradebook how to figure out Yearly, Semester and Quarterly grades (it won't remember from last year).
  2. Basically you have to set

  3. to Begin : Launch Gradebook
  4. Click on a class
  5. Click on grade setup
  6. Double click on Y1, select the term weights button, and in the Weight column type 50 for S1 and 50 for S2> Then you have to click on the S1 in the box at the bottom (where you just typed in and 50) and put in 20, 20 , 10 for S1, S2 and E1. Then you must do the same for S2. Then click save.
  7. Then double click on S1 back up on top.
  8. Select - Calculate S1 final grade select term weights
  9. Type in 40, 40 and 20 in the Weight column for S1, S2 and E1 - then hit Save
  10. Do the same for S2
  11. All we need to do now is set up how you are going to do your quarterly grades (by total points or Category weights - see other pages for directions based on what you choose)