Classification of Polynomials


Definition: A POLYNOMIAL is an expression made with constants, variables and exponents, which are combined using addition, subtraction and multiplication, ... but not division. It is a finite set of terms.

A TERM is a constant, a variable or the product of a constant and one or more variables.

Classifying Polynomials by Number of Terms

Monomial: 1 term polynomial ex) 8x
Binomial: 2 term polynomial ex) 3x − 4
Trinomial: 3 term polynomial ex) 4x2 + 5x − 2

Definition: The DEGREE of a polynomial (in only 1 variable) is the highest power to which the variable is raised.

Classifying Polynomials by Degree

Polynomial Degree Special NameNumber of Terms
3x + 5 1 Linear 2
−7x2 + 4x − 1 2 Quadratic 3
x3 − 8 3 Cubic2
x2 + 3x4 + x − x3 − 2 4 5
63 0 Constant1
0 Undefined Zero1