Web Page Rubric

Mr. Nilan      Central High School Web Design Class

  • Student Name _________________________
  • Period ______
  • Your Main Page Address ______________________________
  • Project Name _______________________________________

Were all the files and pictures in a directory for this project only?

Links and Navigation

Do all the links work?


Were the links easy to find and placed in an appropriate position?


Were there links back to the Home page?

Web Page Design

Are the pages attractive and interesting to look at?


Did the background intrude on the text?


Are colors coordinated effectively?


Is the page composed in such a way that I can scan the page quickly and see the important parts?


Are the fonts and font sizes used in an effective way to enhance the page?


Did the studentshow creativity make good use of all the skills he/she had been taught up to this point?


Were there spelling, grammatical or typing errors?


Is the information on the page good?


Are sources for any factual information clearly listed so they can be verified?

Final Grade