AP Level A Test
Name ________________________

1. Write a program that will print out 10 random numbers between 1 and 100. 
2. Write a program that will let you enter a low number and then enter a high 
number and will then print out a random number between the two (inclusively)
3. Write a program that will generate 50 random numbers between 1 and 100 and will then print out the sum and mean.
4. Write a program that simulate the rolling of a pair of dice 1000 times.

Roll 1     2 4
Roll 2    3 4

5. Write a program that will simulate the rolling of a pair of dice 1000 times and will tell how many times 7 came out.

6. Write a program that will print out 1 of 4 names at random.

7. Write a method that will print out a number in reverse order. Use the Integer class.

void printreverse(int n)

8. Write a method that will return an integer in reverse order as a String.

String getReverse(int n)