The Quiz Class

Write a quiz class that will ask a question and give you 4 possible answers. You will then type in an answer from the keyboard and the computer will tell you if you are right or wrong.

This program uses 6 parallel arrays of strings.

Once you get it working print it out.

Then redo program so that the questions come out in random order with no repeats.


class quiz
 {input in = new input();

  private String [] q = new String[10];
  private String [] a1 = new String[10];
  private String [] a2 = new String[10];
  private String [] a3 = new String[10];
  private String [] a4 = new String[10];
  private String [] ans = new String[10];
  private double right = 0;
  private int ct = 10;

public quiz()

 public void takeTest() throws IOException

   public void printScore()

  private void fillarrays()  //should be called from constructor