For all these functions assume array is filled already

1.	public static int locationOfSmallest(Integer[] c)
// return index (location) of where smallest number is

2. public static Integer getSmallest(Integer[] b)
// return smallest Integer – you must call function written in #1

3. public static int locationOfSecondSmallest(Integer[] ar)
// return location of where second smallest number is

4. public static int sumOfOddIntegers(Integer[] ar)
// return sum of Integers that are holding odd numbers

5. public static Integer sumOfOddIntegers(Integer[] ar)
// return sum of Integers that are holding odd numbers – return as Integer

6. public static double getAverage(Integer[] ar)
// find average

7. public static Double getAverage(Integer[] ar)
// find average – return as a Double

8. There is a method written
String getLast(String na)  // which returns the last name for a String
Write a function that will return how many people have a certain last name
public static int countWithLastName(String[]  ar, String lastname)  
call the getLast function

9. Write a method that will take an array of names and replace it with just last names.
public static void changeToOnlyLast(String[] ar)

if array was 

Joe Smith
Tom Jones
Pete Thomas

It will become 


10. Write a method that will return how many last names in an array of names 
are bigger than a last name that is sent up.

public int howManyBigger(String [] ar, String last)

// for example if array held "Joe Smith" "Tom Jones" "Helen Hayes" "Fred Thomas"
// and you sent up a last name of "Mayes" the function would return 2 because
// Thomas and Smith are bigger than Mayes
// hint : you need to use compareTo to compare Strings